Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin-:Laden's death

A lot of good people are conflicted with the news of Osama Bin-Laden's death. They rejoice that no more innocent people will be killed, but they do not rejoice at the death of anyone.

Each of us has a social contract with the rest of the world.

1) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
2) Protect women and children.
3) Don't lie, cheat, or steal.
4) Love others with no conditions.
5) Make the world a better place.

There are sick people that delight in inflicting pain on others. They are outside the standard deviation of normal behavior, and are called deviants. Some of these sick and twisted people do not like to think of themselves as cancers, so they attempt to justify their deviant behavior. Osama Bin-Laden not only despised civilization, he also despised his own people, and would kill anyone that didn't agree with him completely, or show "proper" respect to him. (He would kill Muslims with equal vigor as Christians and apostates.)

By killing innocent women and children, and recruiting others to kill innocents, he removed himself from the social contract and became, in effect, a pirate; a terrorist, and a cancer. There is no possibility of rehabilitation, remorse, or contrition. He had to go.

When a person that has removed himself from the social contract is killed, their death should not be treated with dignity, but should be a warning to those that might follow him. "This is your end, if you follow this path."

In the old days, pirates would be beheaded, and have their heads put on a pike, left at the city gates, to act as a warning to prevent further piracy.

The British, at the turn of the 20th Century in Palestine, would dip their bullets in pigs blood, and bury terrorists in pig carcasses, and ADVERTISE that fact, to act as a deterrent to potential terrorists that they would not be treated as martyrs, but would be banished from paradise forever.

Let's use every psychological weapon that we have to stop the spread of terrorism, and prevent innocent women and children from being killed by these madmen.

What are some of the ways to do that?

1) Use an aggressive education program to transmit native language information about Islam to affected countries. The truth shall set the ignorant free.
2) Use an aggressive education program to let foreign governments know that we take a stand against terrorism, and that "they are either with us...or against us."
3) Treat all terrorists with contempt, and use bullets dipped in pig fat, and bury dead terrorists in pig carcasses, and ADVERTISE that fact, to discourage other muslims from committing acts of terrorism.
4) If we are in a war with Islamofascists, treat it as a war, and suspend "racial profiling" protection in airports, bus stops, and any public gathering. If they are Muslim, they are suspects.
5) Do not give terrorists/pirates the privilege of a civil trial. Try them in a military tribunal, behead them, put their head on a pike, and place it at the city gates. It will serve as an advertisement to prevent other terrorists from becoming terrorists.

If a person chooses to violate the social contract, they lose their rights to be treated as a human being.

I wish that we didn't have to do this, but we must protect women and children from being killed.

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