Saturday, May 14, 2011

Using criteria words to establish rapport

+1 Demo: Async load People like themselves. One of the ways to establish rapport, almost instantly, with buyers is to be just like them. Since it is impossible to metamorphasize into that person physically, we can't be "just like them"...or can we?

If you use criteria words, you will sound just like the buyer, which is as close as we can get without plastic surgery.

What are criteria words? A criteria word is a unique word that the subject uses periodically, that "define" them. They might use it often, or seldom, but when they do, it is a unique word or usage of words that is part of their internal vocabulary.

For instance, a jock might use the word, "blitz" in their conversation. They are using it to describe an all out pass rush, or a promotion that goes all out. If they use that word, you can use it too, in the same context that they use it, and the buyers will have a physiological reaction. They will think, "You are just like me!" Their eyes will dilate, they will nod, their cheeks might flush...and they will accept you as an equal.

When this happens, you will have lowered the pyschological self defense barriers, for about 20 seconds. You can impart a message, or statement during this time and there will be no will be viewed as a factual statement.

How does this help you?

While you are talking to the client, you want to be listening, intently, for their criteria words. When you hear one, memorize it. (Unfortunately, unless you are on the phone, you can't jot this down on a note.) Once you have three or four criteria words memorized, you can start making statements that will be accepted as factual.

Example: Criteria words are: Hip, crazy.
Buyer example: We went to this really hip little place in the valley that had crazy art on the wall.

You follow with: This restaurant is a hip place that has crazy good food. You will enjoy it.

Analysis: They used "hip" as an adjective for good. They used "crazy" in the same manner. By using both criteria words in the same context, you have just used THEIR words to make a positive statement, and they will believe it.

If you start small, and start building towards larger statements of fact they will "own" the statement, and it will be true. After all, if they "said it" it must be true. Right?

Caution: Practice makes perfect, and never use this technique for evil, only for good purposes, and to make a sale.

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