Friday, April 29, 2011

Force of will

An entrepreneur must have the "Force of Will" to succeed. That means doing what other people won't, waking up when others are sleeping, working when others are partying, and treading that fine line between having the customer like us...and asking for the sale.

When you do what others won't, you will get the rewards that others don't.

I am reminded of the scene in "The Usual Suspects" when Kevin Spacey is talking about Keyser Soze. He was talking about when Soze's enemies invaded his home, and held his wife and kids captive. They thought that they could force Keyser to bow to their wishes. But they didn't understand "Force of Will". Keyser killed his wife, kids, and all but one of the invaders, leaving one to go back and tell his boss that they must leave or he would hunt them down and kill them, their families, their neighbors, and everyone that knew them back to three generations.

I'm not saying that is a correct methodology for conflict resolution, but our "Force of Will" should be as strong (if not as violent), as this.

Are you tired? Keep on working. Are you discouraged? Keep on selling? Would it be easier to stop? Don't. Never give up. Never stop. Never take the easy way out, if the hard way is the only way to accomplish your task.

When you do that, you will begin to realize that being an entrepreneur is more than just opening a is changing your life into something totally different.

Are you ready for the challenge?

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