What is Brainstorm Capital Group? Brainstorm Capital Group is a boutique venture capital firm that combines investors with inventors...and Brainstorm Capital Group provides the marketing and business expertise to change ideas to cash.
How does Brainstorm Capital Group do this? Every other Thursday night we host a free megamind teleconference that is overflowing with ideas. We have money men, idea men, and business men that are interested in taking their idea, and making a business.
However, not all people want to start a business, or have the expertise necessary to translate a great idea into a great business. This is where Brainstorm Capital Group comes in.
We are serial entrepreneurs. We know how to start a small business, market it, and sell products, without using traditional marketing means. What does this mean to you? If you are an inventor, we are able to bring your product to market at lower costs, which means higher profits for all.
If you are an investor, Brainstorm Capital Group is able to bring the products to market at a lower cost so that your investment is safer, and the profits are more likely to happen.
It is all about keeping costs low, and having the maximum amount of sales. Why not choose Brainstorm Capital Group to get your ideas converted to cash? No one does it better than Brainstorm Capital Group.