In the recent television series, "Lie to me", Dr. Cal Lightman uses the reading of "micro expressions" to determine if a person is telling the truth, or lying.
The expression for "disgust" is: The nose is wrinkling, and the upper lip is raised.
The theory is that micro expressions are universal, and, once you learn them, you can determine the emotion that a person is feeling, at that moment. A micro expression will appear on a persons face for a fraction of a second, and, if you are watching closely, you can observe that expression and know exactly what that person is feeling at that moment.
What does this mean to you? If you become adept at reading micro expressions, you will KNOW what a person is feeling, and you can use this information to help them in a sales transaction, win a poker game, or avoid a fight.
The expression for sadness is: Drooping upper eyelids, losing focus in eyes, and a slight pulling down of lip corners.
The expression for happiness is: Crows feet wrinkles, pushed up cheeks, and movement from muscle that orbits the eye.
The expression for fear is: Eyebrows raised and pulled together, raised upper eyelids, tensed lower eyelids, and lips slightly stretched horizontally, back to their ears.
The expression for surprise is: Eyebrows raised, mouth open, and eyes widened.
The expression for Anger is: Eyebrows down and together, eyes glare, and a narrowing of the lips.
The expression of contempt is: the lip corner is tightened, and raised on only one side of the face.
Do you need to know all of these micro expressions to become a good salesperson? Absolutely not, but they are another tool in your toolbelt that will help you determine a person's true feelings, because if you are trying to help solve a clients needs, one of the first things that you have to do is get beyond the facade and discover the problem.
Lying by a client is one of the first methods used to mask their hidden emotions, because they don't trust you. Once you start to ask questions, and discover their concerns the facade will come tumbling down, and, if you are truly concerned with their well being, you can help the client achieve their desired results more quickly.
This is not a "hard science", and results vary, but micro expressions are a window to the soul that most people have not learned to conceal, and it could greatly assist you in your quest to solve their problems.
This is based upon the work of Dr. Paul Ekman, from Washington. http://www.paulekman.com/